- The Village provides water, sewer and sanitation services.
- Pay your bill online via our online portal-Click Here
- Before a service connection is made you must fill out this application.
- Water Connection Fee - $150.00 (for rentals only)
- Water Rate - Click Here
- Sewer Rate - $15.00
- Sanitation and Recycle Rate for Residential use only - $26.00 Recycle bins are located at the Village refuse site on E. Locust Street. Recycle rules are located on the dumpster. *Holiday pick-up for garbage includes Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day. There is no pickup on Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years Day. Trash needs to be on the curb by 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday's or it may not be picked up.
- Click here to see the best practices for placing your trash and recycling carts at the curb so that you don't have any missed pickups during the week!
- For Cable television customers should call Zito Media 800-365-6988 or visit their site here.
- For Internet customers should call Big Red Communications at 402-380-7620 or visit their site here.
- For telephone and Internet service customers should call Kinetic by Windstream 800-600-5050 or visit their site here.
- For natural gas customers should call Black Hills Energy 888-890-5554 or visit their site here.
- For Electricity customers should call NPPD 1-877-275-6773 or visit their site here.
For information on Sterling Utilities, clean-ups, snow removal and other important notices, please follow the Sterling Utilities Facebook page.